The Most Recent Ship Report Podcast:

How our sunny, chilly weather can affect those working at sea

Our sunny weather may be a welcome break from the usual rain, but the lack of cloud cover is bringing cold nights - and that poses particular hazards for those working at sea these days, especially commercial fishermen.

Archive Podcasts:

Rogue wave causes cruise ship death

Dec 05, 2022

A rogue wave hits a cruise ship, killing one passenger. We’ll talk about how this could happen and what it says about changes in the cruise ship industry – ships are going in places where they have not gone in the past, places where sea conditions can be more unpredictable than in calmer waters of the world.

Coastal jets, storm force winds and other weather coming our way

Dec 01, 2022

A look at tomorrow’s forecast which portends the highest wind gusts so far this season, just another fall day in the coastal PNW.

We’ll talk about what terms like “coastal jet” and “storm force winds” mean, and what effect all these things might have on ship traffic on the Columbia. The bottom line: no need to worry, just get your oil lamps and flash lights ready – it’s winter on the coast!

Wintry weather and river ship traffic, why it affects their transits

Nov 30, 2022

This week we’ve seen the season’s most wintry storm yet, and as snow accumulates inland and roads even on the coast get icy, ships are affected toom, in their ability to safely transit the river. We’ll talk about that today, and why it’s so important for ships to play it safe.

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The Ship Report is also broadcast Weekdays at 8:49 am on Coast Community Radio Astoria, Oregon

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