Seal pups – the chances of seeing one on our ocean beaches right now are good. But it’s very important to leave them alone, even though they are cute. They don’t need our help, they’re just resting on the beach while their moms hunt. Leave them be, so their mothers can find them again and feed them, and they can lead normal lives. The less they see of humans, the better.

If you see a seal pup or other marine creature out of the water, and it seems in distress, here are regional numbers to call. It’s important to stay away from them yourself, but these professionals can determine if help is needed and do what’s needed to keep other humans away. Trying to help in most cases is not really helping and does more harm than good. Thanks!
  • Northern Oregon coast and southern Washington coast, call the Seaside Aquarium at 503-738-6211.
  • Southern Oregon coast, call the Marine Mammal Hotline at 1-800-452-7888.
  • Northern Washington coast, the greater West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network line at 1-866-767-6114.
Many thanks to Oregon Coast Beach Connection for this info.