Archive week on the Ship Report: Interview with a rescue swimmer, Part 1

Archive week on the Ship Report: Interview with a rescue swimmer, Part 1

This week I’m taking a little time off, and am sharing one of my favorite interviews: one I did in the early 2000s with a USCG rescue swimmer, an incredibly dangerous and demanding profession. These intrepid folks risk their lives on a regular basis to keep us safe.

Each day this week we’ll hear another part of this interesting interview, which took place at the USCG Group/Air Station Astoria, located at the Astoria Warrenton Airport. Enjoy, and I’ll see you next week.

The Fisher Poets Gathering: remembering those now gone

The Fisher Poets Gathering: remembering those now gone

Today, to celebrate the opening of the annual Fisher Poets Gathering in Astoria, Oregon, we honor Fisher Poets who are no longer with us.

We’ll hear a song from Fisher Poet great Jon Campbell, who passed a few years ago. Jon was a prolific and creative songwriter and performer who hailed from Rhode Island, and his performances were unforgettable.

You can hear more of the works of Jon Campbell and other, living, Fisher Poets, at this weekend’s Annual Fisher Poets Gathering in Astoria, Oregon. Performances are are happening Friday through Sunday morning.  For more info, see

If you can’t attend, KMUN radio in Astoria will livestream the Gathering from 6-10 pm Friday and Saturday from the Liberty Theater in Astoria. You can tune into KMUN locally at 91.9 fm, or livestream it at, or download the KMUN app. I’ll be your host both nights.

For a live videostream of FPG performances at the Liberty on Friday and Saturday nights, check out the FisherPoetry Archive Project’s live videostream, courtesy of FPAP founder Brad Wartman. You’ll find that on the FisherPoetry Archive YouTube Channel: 

Note: I’ll be away next week visiting with old friends. I hope you enjoy the archive interviews you’ll hear Feb 24-28. The Ship Report will return, with ship schedules and marine weather, on March 3.

Fisher Poets Gathering Spotlight: Tele Aadsen

Fisher Poets Gathering Spotlight: Tele Aadsen

As this weekend’s annual Fisher Poets Gathering in Astoria, Oregon, approaches, we’ll take a look today at a PNW author who’s been a regular at the event for years: Tele Aadsen.

Tele published her first book in 2023, What Water Holds, and today we’ll hear a reading from it. Plus, how you can get more info about the Gathering, and how to listen live if you can’t be there.

The Gathering begins Friday, with events on Saturday and Sunday morning.