Situational awareness: a valuable life skill that defines mariners and first responders

Situational awareness: a valuable life skill that defines mariners and first responders

Today we’ll talk about something that mariners and some specialized land-based jobs share: the need for “situational awareness.” That’s the abillity to pay focused attention to what’s going on around you, and being able to respond appropriately. That means remaining calm, and no panicking.

A look at the bows of ships: the very important front end of things

A look at the bows of ships: the very important front end of things

Today, a look at a very specific and important design feature on ships: the bow, the very front end of things. Why do they look the way they do? And why do some ships look different than others?

Image: a ship with a plumb bow in the Astoria Anchorage. Credit: Joanne Rideout 2025.