When is a sinking ship not a sinking ship? When she’s a split-hull hopper dredge

When is a sinking ship not a sinking ship? When she’s a split-hull hopper dredge

Today’s riddle: When is a sinking ship not a sinking ship? In this case, this week on the lower Columbia, it’s probably the split-hull hopper dredge Bayport, a ship that is designed to split in half without sinking.

More on dredging

Mar 20, 2024

There’s so much to talk about when it comes to dredging the river… so here’s more nuts and bolts of dredging as a follow up to Monday’s program. We’ll talk about how deep the channels are, other channels on the Columbia besides the main ship channel, and why the Columbia will never be able to accommodate some ships that are just too big.

More on dredging

More on dredging

There’s so much to talk about when it comes to dredging the river… so here’s more nuts and bolts of dredging as a follow up to Monday’s program. We’ll talk about how deep the channels are, other channels on the Columbia besides the main ship channel, and why the Columbia will never be able to accommodate some ships that are just too big.

Answering a listener question about ships on the schedule

Jan 19, 2024

A listener wrote in asking to better understand what he was seeing on the ship schedule, and how and why ships appear, and don’t appear, on the list from day to day.

Answering a listener question about ships on the schedule

Answering a listener question about ships on the schedule

A listener wrote in asking to better understand what he was seeing on the ship schedule, and how and why ships appear, and don’t appear, on the list from day to day.

A look at an arriving US military vessel: the USNS Curtiss

Dec 05, 2023

Today we’ll look at today’s arriving ships on the Columbia River. Among them is the USNS Curtiss, a member of the Military Sealift Command fleet that often comes into the Columbia River. She’s headed for a layberth, and we’ll talk about her specialized role in supporting active duty military vessels, equipment, and personnel.

Image of the USNS Curtiss courtesy of Wikipedia.

A look at an arriving US military vessel: the USNS Curtiss

A look at an arriving US military vessel: the USNS Curtiss

Today we’ll look at today’s arriving ships on the Columbia River. Among them is the USNS Curtiss, a member of the Military Sealift Command fleet that often comes into the Columbia River. She’s headed for a layberth, and we’ll talk about her specialized role in supporting active duty military vessels, equipment, and personnel.

Image of the USNS Curtiss courtesy of Wikipedia.

What vessels are required to take a marine pilot on the river?

Oct 17, 2023

Today, the answer to a listener question about marine pilots on the river – what kinds of vessels are required to take a pilot? We’ll take a look at the state and federal regs.

What vessels are required to take a marine pilot on the river?

What vessels are required to take a marine pilot on the river?

Today, the answer to a listener question about marine pilots on the river – what kinds of vessels are required to take a pilot? We’ll take a look at the state and federal regs.